Get thee to a nunnery!

The wind is truly howling outside the window. I suppose it could be a bit romantic, in a George MacDonald book kind of way; but it’s also kind of creepy, like Tell-Tale Heart or Fall of the House of Usher, as long as we’re comparing life to literature.

In reality it’s just a herald of a really nasty day tomorrow. Cold has finally reached the sunny South, and a cold has finally reached me. Not quite yet, but the sore throat I’ve had all day is a harbinger of doom (I’m sticking with a theme of gloomy metaphors and similes today. Blame the weather).

Therefore, since brevity is the soul of wit,
And tediousness the limbs and outward flourishes,
I will be brief.

If I lived in Denmark, I’d make lots of Hamlet jokes.


Nothing grand happens in Alabama. Except, I did hear that some woman in New Mexico predicted that on October 14 the aliens would come and take up the fine specimens found in Alabama. I think I’d have mixed feelings about being left behind…

I did recently see some fabulous da Vinci sketches at the art museum. Birmingham continues to surprise me.

Perhaps I could get your opinion on something. I’d like to study abroad my junior year. I was planning on trying for the University of Glasgow, as they have a pretty neat looking archaeology program, and who wouldn’t want to go to Scotland? But I’m currently in Arabic 101, and I need to complete the 200 level to graduate. Studying abroad junior year would throw that off. Unless – unless I went to the American University in Cairo instead, where I could study both Egyptology and Arabic. Or, I could wait until senior year to go abroad.

Suggestions? Opinions? Pointless yet humorous personal anecdotes?

Maa Al-Salaama